Monday, 30 May 2011

Title for new work please

I have just finished the painting below but have been totally stuck for a title. Usually I either already have a title that I then base a painting on or I compose a painting and a title comes to me halfway through but with this one neither has happened. If you can come up with a great title then I would love to hear your suggestions! I think that this piece is going to become a Limited Edition Print also so I need a great title. Thanks.

'Marble Madness' 2011

Thursday, 12 May 2011

New work

Here is my latest painting that I completed today. Its another Trompe L'oeil painting, and I must admit that I am really enjoying this genre of work. Initially this painting was going to be similar to 'No strings attached' with the knife protruding beyond the picture plane and casting a shadow but I wanted the 'trick' part of the painting to be a little more subtle. So I thought it would be quite good to have a blob of jam sliding down the picture as if someone has been really haphazard with the jam. I hope you like it!

'In a right jam' 2011